Inspections of premises licensed to sell and serve alcohol

The licensee is responsible for ensuring that alcohol is sold and served in accordance with the regulations. Næringsetaten conducts statutory inspections of shops, restaurants, bars, pubs etc. to ensure that alcohol is sold in accordance with the relevant regulations.

This includes:

  • Performing conduct assessments in connection with the application processing and during the period of operation.
  • Conducting inspections of the sale and serving of alcohol at restaurants, bars, pubs and hotels.
  • Providing advice and guidance on the application process and during the period of operation.

Conduct assessments

When the Næringsetaten receives licence applications, we always ask for a statement from the Police, District Authority and the Norwegian Tax Administration. They will notify us of any potential grounds for rejecting the application. Applicants must satisfy the requirement for spotless repute (page in Norwegian) in the Norwegian Alcohol Act and the Norwegian Food Services Act.

We also assess the conduct of the licensee, owners and other key individuals during the period of operation. We carry out these conduct assessments based on the information we receive from the Police, tax authorities and other partners.

Inspections of premises licensed to sell and serve alcohol

The licensed premises inspectors look into potential violations of alcohol legislation.

If the inspectors confirm multiple violations of the Norwegian Alcohol Act, they give the responsible party a brief summary of their findings. The licensee receives a letter of the conclusion of the inspection, including the inspectors’ report, within a week. The licensee may comment on the report before Næringsetaten’s case handler decides whether the matter represents a violation of the regulations.

If following our inspection we conclude there has been a viloation of the Alcohol Act, we are obliged to award penalty points. If the establishment receives twelve penalty points or more during a two-year period, the licence will be withdrawn for a minimum of one week. See how many penalty points are awarded for various violations.

Advice and guidance

Contact Næringsetaten for free advice and guidance on issues relating to selling and serving alcohol. We can attend staff meetings and provide information on the Alcohol Act and help you establish safe and efficient operations. We can also provide guidance before you start running a licensed business. Phone 21 80 21 80 to speak with one of our case handlers.