Using public spaces for events

When holding an outdoor event in Oslo you are obliged to obtain certain permissions and notify a number of authorities, depending on what you are planning.

Apply for a venue

A permit from the property owner is required in order to carry out the activity. An application has to be sent in due time to the relevant property owner, who will clarify whether the site is available at the specific date, to what cost, and if it is suitable for the activity you are planning.

The City of Oslo's Event Office can assist you in finding a suitable location and where to apply. Contact the Event Office at

Municipal managers

In the municipality of Oslo, the general rule is that each city district will issue permits for municipal property within its own borders, whereas the Agency for Urban Environment is responsible for the downtown areas.

There are some exceptions. Permits to use the City Hall Square are issued by the City Hall administration, and permits to hold events at the harbour area and at sea are issued by the Oslo Harbour administration.

Notify and apply to the Emergency Services

The organizer is responsible for public security during an event, and is expected to carry out a risk analysis (ROS) and make a contingency plan.

The Police

You are required to submit a notification form to the police at least two weeks before hosting an outdoor event. If the event is expected to have substantial effect on traffic, urban mobility or security requirements you will need to apply for a permit.

When applying for a permit the same notification form is to be used, but you are advised to attach relevant documents such as a risk analysis, a venue map with planned installations, a permit from the property owner, licence to serve alcohol etc. For events subject to application the deadline is no later than four weeks before the event.

For demonstrations you are required to notify the police as soon as possible.

The police may make certain demands for the event if they deem it necessary and will in that case make contact with you.

If you plan to organize a march or a race in the streets, the police need to approve the chosen route, thus, information about the route must be attached.

Notify and apply to the police (information in Norwegian)

Contact Oslo Police District regarding the application at

Agency of Fire and Rescue Services

The municipal Fire and Rescue Services are to be notified about all events that takes place at locations thar are not normally used for events. You are expected to notify as soon as possible and no later than four weeks in advance.

The notification must inform about the time schedule and the topic for the event, as well as its size and the name and address of the person in charge.

At large events you have to submit additional information such as a risk analysis, a contingency plan and a venue map with planned installations

If you plan to use fireworks or pyrotechnical effects at the event, you need to apply to the Fire and Rescue Services for permission. The application must be sent no later than three weeks before the event takes place.

Notify the Agency for Fire and Rescue Services (information in Norwegian)

Contact the Agency for Fire and Rescue Services at

Emergency Medical Services

If you are planning a large event you are advised to notify the Emergency Medical Services well in advance. The notification should contain information about the time and place for the event, the type of event, the number of people attending, name and contact information for the organizer, as well as a risk analysis, a sanitation plan and a contingency plan if available.

Notify the Emergency Medical Services at

Apply for a permit to use amplified sound

If you plan to use loudspeakers outdoors and if the event takes place; after 8 pm, on a Sunday or public holiday, or if the event spans several days - you are required to send an application to the Head Physician of the relevant city district. Response time is up to two weeks.

If the event impacts more than one district the application should be sent to the Agency for Health.

Fill in the application form for a permit to use amplified sound (information in Norwegian)

Contact Oslo Service Center at +47 21 80 21 80 to be transferred to the correct city district.

Contact the Agency for Health at

Apply for a licence to serve food and alcohol

You must obtain a licence from the Agency for Food and Alcohol Licensing and Inspections to serve alcohol at an event. Make sure to attach a blueprint of the area and the landowner’s permission to the application. It is sufficient that the landowner issue a written confirmation that the event is allowed to take place.

Application processing time for events is three weeks or more. Licences to serve alcohol are not issued to sports events or events aimed at children and youth.

When serving food at the event you are advised to notify the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

The food providers are obliged to register the operation at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and have a license to serve food from the Agency for Food and Alcohol Licensing and Inspections. Safe food is the providers' responsibility; however, the event organizer should ensure that the food actors get the information they need and that physical conditions such as electricity, waste handling, cleaning facilities and staff toilets are satisfactory.

Apply to the Agency for Food and Alcohol Licensing and Inspections

Contact the Norwegian Food Safety Authority at +47 22 40 00 00 or email

Apply for a permit to close streets

In the case of potential traffic effects such as redirecting or closing a street, pavement or bicycle path in connection with the event, an application must be sent to the Agency for Urban Environment.

You are advised to engage a professional contractor to administrate the application and undertake the signage changes, which is a necessary procedure in the case of providing signs to regulate parking. The road signs must be in completed within 24 hours before the event takes place.

In the case of minor traffic alterations, you will receive an answer to your application within one week, and within two weeks in the case of major alterations. If public transport, emergency services or other actors will be influenced by the alterations the event organizer needs to clarify consequences with such actors before the application is sent. In such cases the administrative procedures will take longer.

All enquiries regarding county and national roads are to be directed to The Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

Apply to the Agency for Urban Environment (information in Norwegian)

Contact the Agency for Urban Environment at

Contact The Norwegian Public Roads Administration on phone +47 22 07 30 00

Bicycle races

If you plan to organize a bicycle race you must obtain a permission from The Norwegian Public Roads Administration. This procedure is independent of where the race takes place and whether it concerns a national, county or municipal road or a private road that is open to general traffic.

The application is to be sent to the relevant regional road office of The Norwegian Public Roads Administration with a copy to the relevant police district no later than four months in advance.

Notify public transport providers

You are advised to notify the public transport provider Ruter at an early stage in the planning process, particularly if the planned activity will require changes in their regular transportation schedule or an alteration of routes are required.

Contact Ruter

Notify neighbours

At outdoor events all relevant parties are to receive a neighbour notification. The notification should clarify what kind of event you are organizing and in what way the neighbours will be affected (time schedule, parking, closing of pavements/streets/parks, noise, fireworks, installations, etc.).

The organizers must provide information on how they plan to facilitate for those neighbours who will be affected.

The notification is to be distributed well ahead of the event in the form of a letter (for instance to a housing cooperative), by personal attendance, in the form of an information board in the relevant place, or the like.

Filming in Oslo

Questions regarding film and TV productions can be directed to The Oslo Film Commission.

Need further help?

For further advice and guidance, please contact The City of Oslo's Event Agency at

For inquiries regarding the planning and organization of meetings, incentives and conferences The Oslo Convention Bureau can be of assistance.