Iodine tablets

Are you under the age of 40, pregnant, breastfeeding or have children living with you at home? If so, the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority recommends that you keep iodine tablets at home.

These tablets can provide protection against radioactive iodine in the event of a nuclear incident. They should only be taken as advised by Norwegian authorities.

You can purchase iodine tablets over the counter at any pharmacy.

If the Norwegian authorities issue a recommendation for iodine tablets to be taken while children or young people are at school, kindergarten or at an institution, the City of Oslo will ensure the distribution of these tablets. Consent from parents and guardians will be obtained in advance.

Learn more about the use of iodine tablets in the event of a nuclear incident on the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s website (DSA). This information is provided in several languages.

The Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s website has answers to the following:

  • Why take iodine tablets?
  • When should the tablets be taken?
  • Who should take iodine tablets?
  • Where can I get iodine tablets?
  • Who will advise us if and when we need to take iodine tablets?
  • How many tablets should we take?
  • Who should not take iodine tablets?