Diversity and inclusion

Oslo is a city where all inhabitants have the right to live safe lives as full and free citizens. Discrimination based on age, race and ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or gender expression is not legal in Norway.

The city of Oslo wants to emphasize that we support our inhabitants regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. You should be able to feel safe to talk to health personnel, police, and government officials about your sexual orientation or gender identity. Although discrimination is illegal in Norway it may still occur.

The City of Oslo launched an action plan Proud and Free (only in Norwegian) to increase the recognition of gender and sexuality diversity in Oslo’s population, create greater security for sexual minorities, ensure equal services for all and promote an inclusive working environment. Diversity and inclusion is anchored in the municipality's action plans. Visibility and celebrating Oslo Pride is one of the strategies in the plan.

Oslo Pride is a week filled with debates, art, culture and party with a big pride parade through Oslo city centre in support of equal rights for LGBTQIA+. The pride parade is for many the highlight of the week, with music, glitter and joy! You can find the full programme on Oslopride.no

Report discrimination

The city of Oslo encourage you to speak up and contact The equality and anti-discrimination ombud to report bullying, harassment, discrimination, exclusion, abuse and violence. The equality and anti-discrimination ombud represents your interests when you are discriminated against. They also work to prevent discrimination and promote equality.

Go to LDO.no to get more information and contact information.

Report incidents and crime to the Police

You should contact the police if you have been victim of threats, hateful or discriminatory statements because of your skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, philosophy of life, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or disability. You can get help and guidance at the support centre for crime victims


  • FRI Foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold, The organisation for gender and sexuality diversity works for equal opportunities and diversity, and against discrimination of sexual minorities. FRI arranges activities and gives advice.
  • Gay and lesbian Health Norway, offers free and anonymous health examinations and testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Queer world, organises a number of social activities. You can make friends, learn more about what it is to be a migrant in Norway and get useful information to make your living here easier and fun.
  • Salam Norge, an organization for queer Muslims in Norway.
  • Skeiv Ungdom, a youth organization for all under 30 years of diversity and discrimination.

LGBTQIA+ bars and pubs


Oslo Municipality has five central user councils. The purpose of the councils is to ensure a broad, open and accessible participation in the municipality. The councils have the right to express an opinion on current issues and raise issues on their own initiative. The councils' meetings are open to the public.

The councils are advisory to the City Government and the City Council.

Long read

Factbooklet. Summary of Research on Living Conditions and Quality of Life for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Norway.