How to find the right Norwegian language course for you

It can be difficult to evaluate which language schools offer the kind of tuition and support you need, and to a price that is fair. Here is some advice on how to find the right course for you.

What kind of tuition do you want?

Consider your situation to find what kind of language class you are after.

  • Do you need a group you can practice with or do you get enough chances to practice during your day to day activities?
  • Do you want a daytime or evening course?
  • Do you want to study full time or part time?
  • Do you want to study in a group, with a private tutor or on your own?
  • Do you want classroom tuition or do you prefer online classes?

How to evaluate the different offers

Pick some relevant classes across several different schools.

  • Compare the price per hour: how many hours of tuition is offered?
  • How much personal feedback will you be getting on your work?
  • How much course material is included?
  • How easy is it to travel from your home to the langauage class?
  • How experienced are the teachers in conducting tuition digitally?

You can also ask for recommendations in social media groups for expats.

The Oslo Adult Education

The City of Oslo offers many different programs for adult learners, both with and without formal exams, and disabled adults have many offers. All education given leads to formal diplomas. Most adults attend classes at Oslo Adult Education to learn Norwegian language. The students range in age from 20 to 60 years. About 3/4 of the students have a foreign language background.

The Oslo Adult Education, named Oslo Voksenopplæring offer daytime and evening classes on many levels. The language courses of high quality and very favorable prices that are open to the general public.

Go to Oslo Voksenopplæring (Oslo VO) for information about the services offered. (Only in Norwegian)

You can book an appointment for an admission interview via the link on the page. (Only in Norwegian) Upon registration, an admission counsellor will assess your starting level. Applicants with some knowledge in Norwegian also sit for an assessment test.

Do you plan to apply for permanent residency or citizenship?

If you intend to stay permanently in Norway, you have to complete the required amount of language tuition with an approved language school. If you don't think you will need to document your skills, there are many other quality providers of language tuition not on this list.

Go to Directorate for Higher Education and Skills for the list of approved language schools

Go to UDI for exemptions regarding documented language skills

Do you have the right to free Norwegian tuition?

Primarely, people with immigrant status and people with family reunification based on Norwegian regulations (the reference person has Norwegian citizenship or permanent residency) have the right and the duty to learn Norwegian. The municipalities are responsible for language tuition for these groups, and will contact you directly if this applies to you. These courses are given by the Oslo Adult Education (Oslo voksenopplæring).

  • EU/EAA nationals, people with student or work permits and their families, and people with family reunification based on the EU regulations, do not have the right to access free language tuition, nor the obligation to learn Norwegian.

Go to the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) for more information about rights and obligations for language training and social studies

You might have access to language training through your employer or place of study. The University of Oslo (UiO), for example, has tuition for employers and students. Some of them are open to partners as well.

Non-profit organizations

In addition to all the commercial language providers, there are non-profit organizations offering affordable language tuition.

Learn Norwegian at Folk High School (Folkehøgskole)

A Folk High School is a boarding school, usually attended by students between 18-25 years old, though there are no upper age limits. Some of the schools have programs that includes Norwegian language training for international students.

See the list of Folk High Schools offering Norwegian tuition