General practitioners who treat patients who does not have an assigned GP in Oslo

This scheme is available to diplomats, family migrants, asylum seekers and other migrants with permission to live or work in Norway but who do not have their own family doctor in Oslo and require medical assistance. It is also available to tourists who have a European Health Insurance Card

This scheme is not available to people who live in Oslo and have a family doctor elsewhere in Norway.

Doctors you can contact

Mildre Orphee Suarez (female)

  • Skøyenåslegene AS, Haakon Tveters vei 8, 0682 Oslo
  • Phone number: 22 75 72 70
  • Languages: Spanish and English

Shahelia Sharmin (female)

  • Rødtvedt legesenter, Trygve Lies Plass 1, 1051 Oslo
  • Phone number: 22 82 10 20
  • Languages: English, Bengali, Hindi and Urdu

Ljiljana Mirkovic (female)

  • Medisinsk senter Kalbakken, Nedre Kalbakkvei 2A, 0950 Oslo
  • Phone number: 22 22 46 78
  • Languages: English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Macedonian

Rosa Sayed (female)

  • Medisinsk senter Kalbakken, Nedre Kalbakkvei 2A, 0950 Oslo
  • Phone number: 22 22 46 78
  • Languages: Dari, English and Urdu