The news landscape in Norway

Media in Norway

Follow the news

Read local and national news. Over time it will give you an intuitive understanding of cultural structures and the public discourse. There are also news sites in easy Norwegian and English.

News in easy Norwegian

  • Klar tale - news site in easy Norwegian (publicly funded)
  • Supernytt- daily TV news show for children on NRK TV
  • Aftenposten Junior - weekly newspaper for children (subscription)
  • Utrop- multicultural news site with sections in easy Norwegian (lettnorsk)

News in English

The English news sites are private or commercial initiatives.

Bonus: Science Norway - the English version of the scientfic news site

Media landscape

Go to MediaNorway (MedieNorge) for information and statistics about Norwegian newspapers, radio and media usage

Go to the Norwegian Media Authority (Medietilsynet) for an overview of newspapers, radio and TV channels (mediedatabasen) (in Norwegian)They also publish articles about children and media usage and the media landscape.